我要用英文介紹維多利亞港, 大約要5-10分鍾. 各位巴打,救救我啦......
Victoria harbour is a harbour that located between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon. The English liked the harbour very much. They named the harbour with Queen Victoria. Victoria harbour influenced the fate of Hong Kong seriously. As the harbour is wide and deep, it helped to develop the main industry of Hong Kong. Nowadays, there are many buildings beside Victoria Harbour, they all proved the contribution and success of Hong Kong. The harbour also becomes a famous sightseeing point. The lights are on in the night and the spectacular scene make everyone do not want to leave. Fireworks organized in the festivals and light show hold everyday. Victoria Harbour will look like more beautiful if you see it on the star ferry. 2008-02-28 18:33:40 補充: 中文 維多利亞港是一個海港在香港島和九龍之間,話說當時英國人很喜歡這個海港,用了女王維多利亞命名,對往後的香港有重大的影響,因為水深港闊,在70年代,香港的主要經濟來源---物流業,起了重大的幫助,今時今日,維多利亞港,兩岸有不少的高樓大廈,見證了香港的努力成功,現在維多利亞港,作為了香港的一個旅遊景點,晚上五光十色的燈亮起,這景象真叫人留連忘返,當節日時有煙火表演,平時有幻彩X香江,如果你乘坐天星小輪看到的維多利亞港更是美麗的
Victoria Harbour is the harbour between the Kowloon Peninsula and the Hong Kong Island of Hong Kong, China. With an area of about 41.88 km2 as at 2004, its natural depth and sheltered location enticed the British to occupy the island of Hong Kong during the First Opium War, and subsequently establish the colony as a trading post. The harbour is famous for its spectacular panoramic views, and is in itself a top tourist attraction. It is a natural focal point of the territory, and considered a crucial natural geographical element for city dwellers. This sense of geographical attachment is most notably demonstrated in recent years, when the Hong Kong government's efforts to undertake reclamation projects in the harbor were met with widespread popular protests, despite the fact that such work had taken place in the harbor for the past century and a half.