我想問下如果我由香港出發到倫敦作為歐洲自由行既第一站, 但係我唔想最後由倫敦返港, 咁邊個城市返港會最抵? 我暫定會去 london, france, czech, germany and italy..... 定係點都由 hk 來回 london 最好???
The cheapest way will be return from London. But normally, some tickets from HK to a European city can include an internal flight, i.e you can fly from HK to London, London to another city (say, paris, berlin) and then from that city to London and London back to HK. As long as you plan for the suitable flight, this may be a better choice instead of you buy two single tickets.
the cheapest would be return tickets to London la instead of buying 2 singles!!|||||Hong Kong- London//Paris,Frankfurt,Berlin or Rome -HKG return within 4 weeks in oct from HK$ 6300 (all in) with www.klm.com.hk