旅遊業一直為香港帶來十分龐奮大的經濟收益,近年特區政府更大力拓展及開發新的旅遊景點及國際展覽場地,務求令香港成為更加受旅客歡迎的地方。大量旅客訪 港,酒店服務的重要性相對地提升,而業界對高質素的酒店亦十分渴求。根據香港酒店業協會人士透露,截止二零零7年年底,本港酒店增近5,000間, 以致房間總數量達53,000間;新增就業機會更達15,000個,預計未來數字亦會維持相當程度的增幅。酒店業繼續成為香港未來經濟發展的重要支柱,酒店行業的前景自然亦非常樂觀。
The tourism has brought the Pang Fenda economic gain for Hong Kong, recent years the special zone government vigorously developed and develops the new scenic site and the international exhibit floor, is sure need to become Hong Kong even more receives the place which the passenger welcome. The massive passengers visit the port, the hotel service importance promote relatively, but the field also earnestly seeks to the high innate nature's hotel. Disclosed according to Hong Kong hotel industry association public figures that until at the end in 2007, the Hong Kong hotel increases nearly 5,000, so that room total quantity reaches 53,000; the addition employment opportunity reaches 15,000, estimated that the digit also will maintain in the future the suitable degree the increased range. The hotel industry will continue to become Hong Kong the futures economy development major pillar, the hotel profession prospect from nevertheless is optimistic. 應該冇錯~ 希望幫到你...