.廣州的別稱英文[[五羊城、花城之類的Eng]] .著名景點的英文[[越秀公園、五羊象……的Eng]]* .名勝的英文* .特色食物的英文* .那兒的人是如何的?((和藹的?))[[請作一些詳述]] 有*的請作簡單描述一下。 更新: SOR.... 我果陣唔記得禁10分.... SORRY....我唔係存心欺騙
Guangzhou is the capital and the sub-provincial city of Guangdong Province in southern mainland China. The city was formerly known internationally as Canton City or simply Canton, after a French language transliteration of the name of the province in Cantonese. It is a port on the Pearl River, navigable to the South China Sea. As of the 2000 census, the city has a population of 6 million, and a metropolitan population of 12.6 million, making it the most populous city in the province and the fifth most populous in China. Tourist attractions Chenjiaci (陈家祠) Guangdong Museum of Folk Handcraft Shamian Island Guangdong Provincial Museum Museum of the Tomb of the King of Southern Yue in Western Han Dynasty Temple of the Six Banyan Trees Shishi Holy Heart Cathedral Huaisheng Mosque Parks Baiyun Mountain (白云山) Lie shi ling yuan (烈士陵园) Yue Xiu Park (越秀公园) Significant buildings Guangdong Olympic Stadium CITIC Plaza Sky Central Plaza Guangdong TV Tower Guangzhou TV Tower China Hotel
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廣州的別稱英文 (The nicknames of Guangzhou City) The city has the nicknames of Wuyangcheng (City of Five Rams), Yangcheng (City of Rams), Huacheng (City of Flowers), or Suicheng (City of Wheats). The city can also be referred to as the MuMengCheng (City of Wood Wools), a reference to a tall, native tree that produces wool fiber in its gorgeous red blossoms. 著名景點的英文and名勝的英文 (Tourist Attractions) Chenjiaci (陈家祠) Guangdong Museum of Folk Handcraft Shamian Island Guangdong Provincial Museum Museum of the Tomb of the King of Southern Yue in Western Han Dynasty Temple of the Six Banyan Trees Shishi Holy Heart Cathedral Huaisheng Mosque Shishi Holy Heart Cathedral Baiyun Mountain (白云山) Lie shi ling yuan (烈士陵园) Yue Xiu Park (越秀公园) 特色食物的英文 (Cantonese (Yue) cuisine) Check this website for English names: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantonese_cuisine 那兒的人是如何的? Check this website for English: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantonese_people