


懷孕期間(6 weelky)有咩魚唔食得? 例如:所有冇魚鱗的魚? 同埋有時個肚有小小痛? 唔該.


生魚,三文魚.頭爐魚,龍躉 我有bb時我亞媽就叫我唔好食呢啲:蛇,蝦,蟹,蜂蜜,香蕉,黑芝麻,八爪魚,魷魚,墨魚,海星,田雞,羊肉,辣的唔好食!! 個肚有小小痛,建議妳還是盡快去睇醫生~~





生冷野同?唔確保係咪衛生既海鮮就唔好食喇,為bb,為自己,戒下口啦|||||醫生:孕婦吃魚每月不宜逾7公斤 八成新生兒體內水銀偏高 孕婦食魚愈多,可能誕下蠢嬰兒。中文大學醫學院一項研究證實,近八成新生兒體內水銀含量超過每公升29毫微摩爾,長遠可以影響孩子的智商,即IQ會較低分。醫學界建議孕婦每月不宜進食超過7公斤魚肉,尤要少食劍魚、鯊魚及吞拿魚等水銀含量較高的海魚,最好食用淡水魚及體積較細的魚。 該研究於03年完成,最近刊於國際學術期刊《Environment International》,調查了1,057出生一個月的新生兒臍血及頭髮樣本了解水銀含量。 有份參與研究的威爾斯親王醫院兒科醫生林鴻生昨晚稱,嬰兒臍血含水銀的結果證實,78.4%嬰兒臍血水銀含量超出每公升29毫微摩爾水平(nmol/L),若超過這個水平,長遠會影響嬰兒的智商,更有3%嬰兒血液水銀含量甚至超出100毫微摩爾,即差不多是正常水銀含量的4倍。 可能令智商較低 他解釋,若嬰兒水銀含量超過29毫微摩爾,雖不會嚴重影響大腦發展,但出現IQ較低分的風險則較水銀含量偏低的孩子為高。他強調智商低一、兩分對孩子發展影響很微,但若胎兒接觸過量水銀,嚴重者可傷害腦神經,甚至胎死腹中。 研究證實若孕婦食魚量愈多,嬰兒體內水銀含量愈高。這批孕婦在分娩前三個月平均每月進食總魚量為兩公斤,但個別孕婦卻愛魚如命,食魚量高達35公斤。孕婦年齡愈大,嬰兒的水銀含量也較高。 他指出進食海魚的水銀含量差不多是進食淡水魚的一倍,若每多食1公斤海魚,體內水銀含量會增加5%,但多食1公斤淡水魚,水銀含量只增2.8%。所以孕婦應要控制食魚份量及選吃淡水魚,並建議孕婦每月吃少於7公斤魚肉。 但該研究化驗29種魚類的水銀含量,全部都未超出國際規定,即水銀含量少於百萬分之0.5。鮫魚及東星斑的水銀含量較高,分別為百萬分之0.44及0.35。|||||it is recomended to eat smaller fish.. all the large.. deep sea fish are not good.. since they live in the sea longer, then more heavy metal will be accumulated inside their body. it was suggested to eat small fish with bone (e.g. sardine) the bone is high in calcium! from a research finding a few months before by PWH, around 1000 newborn baby was checked for a heavy metal (I forgot whether it is mercury or lead). It was found that over 70% babies had high in that particular metal which may led to problem in brain/nervous system development. The finding concluded that, this may due to chinese believe that pregnant women need to eat more fish.. when the more expensive and larger fish was eaten.. the heavy metal will be deposited into mothers body then get into the fetus. Since I cant really eat fish (although I am 16+wk already), I am taking fish oil supplement for the DHA & EPA needs.

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