For a man without a car was 高手請幫忙
For a man without a car was as incongrous here as a motorist in Venice, and it has the highest ratio of automobiles to people of any major city anywhere. Stroller in Beverly Hills are regularly questioned by the police on the assumption that they are up to no good.For a man without a car was as incongrous here as... 顯示更多 For a man without a car was as incongrous here as a motorist in Venice, and it has the highest ratio of automobiles to people of any major city anywhere. Stroller in Beverly Hills are regularly questioned by the police on the assumption that they are up to no good. For a man without a car was as incongrous here as a motorist in Venice, 這句點解?
For a man without a car was as incongruous here as a motorist in Venice 在這裡沒有車的男人, 就像出現在威尼斯的電單車司機一樣不協調。 大家千萬別忘了啊 威尼斯是水都 它的市中心(幾個主要島嶼)是用船作主要交通的 因為除了河道外, 它的陸路很小很窄, 只能供人走, 只有在效外通往機場的路才有汽車 所以在威尼斯騎電單車是很奇怪的事 (可以說是幾乎不可能的) 2006-11-18 02:38:20 補充: 用網上的翻譯只能翻單字,用來翻句子甚至於文章就一定不行了就算用也請大家看一下內容是否通順啊
在這裡不開車就等於在威尼斯開車一樣令人覺得格格不入。|||||在威尼斯沒有車的男人是incongrous|||||*** 男仕沒有一輛汽車與威尼斯沒有出現開摩托車的人是出現同樣不協調性的 *** 因為威尼斯相對其他主要城市擁有更多比例上開摩托車的人。 ((上文下理比較容易明白))|||||incongrous 查字典無, 應該係 incongruous, 用响呢句意思係「唔協調」 成句意思係 一個人响呢度無車揸就好似响威尼斯揸電單車一樣咁唔協調 (同環境唔協調)|||||對于一個人來說沒有一輛小汽車作為在威尼斯的一位汽車司機這裡是作為