Groudon's Chinese name
I don't know Groudon's Chinese name is what
============================================ Groudon (グラードン, Gurādon?) are a legendary fictional species of Pokémon creature from the Pokémon media franchise. Groudon represents Pokémon Ruby and appears on the cover art for the game. It is one of a trio of legendary Pokémon known informally in fan circles as the "Trinity".[citation needed] In the legend surrounding the Trinity, Groudon represents land, while Kyogre and Rayquaza represent sea and sky, respectively. Its name probably originates from the words ground and don, similar to the suffix of many dinosaur names (like the Iguanodon), owing to Groudon's dinosaur-like design. Don in fact means "tooth" in Latin (many dinosaurs have been named for the characteristics of their teeth). Don is also Spanish for "lord", which would make Groudon the "Lord of the Ground". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groudon ============================================ グラードンは、ポケットモンスターシリーズに登場する491種の架空のキャラクター(モンスター)のうちの一種である。 特徴 二足歩行の怪獣のような姿をしたポケモン。 http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%B0%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%83%89%E3%83%B3 ============================================ 有關圖片: http://www.kidzworld.com/img/upload/article/a8967i0_Groudon_Logo_185x149_w.jpg ============================================