let a lone a man?
I'm reading a prose and coming across a questioned sentence stated above, ie"Let alone a man"I seldom hear about this saying. Instead, "Let a man alone" sounds more common.Of course, there is no doubt that the questioned sentence is grammatically correct. Yet... 顯示更多 I'm reading a prose and coming across a questioned sentence stated above, ie "Let alone a man" I seldom hear about this saying. Instead, "Let a man alone" sounds more common. Of course, there is no doubt that the questioned sentence is grammatically correct. Yet I just want to know why we can write/ speak in this way. "Let a man alone" --> Predicate/ object/ complement "Let alone a man" --> Predicate/ complement/ object The latter sounds weird to me, can anyone help me explain it? Thanks in advance ^^
Let alone = 不用說 It is very cruel to starve an animal, let alone a man! 餓死一隻動物已夠殘忍,更不用說(餓死)一個人了! 而你提到 let a man alone,聽來有點怪怪的。 我猜想你是說 let him be alone 或 leave him alone,是嗎? Let him be alone = 讓他靜一靜 Leave him alone = 不要騷擾他 Cheers! 2009-11-10 10:56:52 補充: 陳小狗,過了好一段日子,你家主人還未消氣,要放你出來咬人嗎?辛苦你了! Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. 你喜歡說甚麼且就儘管說個夠好了,我並不介懷。只是如你主人般的看不開放不下,那才叫可憐! 帶著滿腔恨意做人,本身已是最可怕的懲罰;我又何苦再在其傷口撒鹽?煩請告訴她,她的心雖放不下我,然我的心早已放下了她。今次我並不打算還手,不會再讓她當眾出醜;請她放心好了! 2009-11-10 10:57:02 補充: 小狗你若喜歡跟著我走,我當然歡迎! 人生路漫長,有你作伴實在是我的福氣。你雖愛亂吠亂咬,我明白你跟你家主人一樣,仍深受往昔不幸的煎熬;你肯陪著我,我也會好好待你的! 小狗你要找人出氣的話,只管往我身上招呼好了。其他網友是無辜的,請不要讓你家主人對我的恨意,掀連到別人身上! 好了,要繼續亂吠亂咬,請自便;我在看著! 2009-11-11 23:15:32 補充: To 003, 用了一大堆不同狗名,反反覆覆卻說著相同的話;究竟是誰在玩假身份,實在已是路人皆見了吧?小狗下次作弊可得聰明點兒了! 你家小姐病情嚴重如此,我實在也有責任。然當天先發招者不是我;還招之時我一不知她外強中乾,二不知她是女子,三沒料到她是精神病患者。而且,當我稍覺不對勁已馬上收手兼道歉;此刻她仍想我怎樣?難道要我娶了她不成? 你要繼續花時間誣衊,我毫不介懷;反而深感榮幸,有位才女竟會為了區區在下,由大師變成瘋婦! 勸她放下,還不是為她好? 小狗,又辛苦你了!
Let alone a man = 更何況一個人 Let a man alone would be more correct if you say Let a man be alone, which would then mean 留低他獨自一個 Good luck!