請問如果我寄E_MAIL信比朋友.我想張一幅相比朋友. 但我想效果係寫完字.下面有張相.不用下載.一邊睇到 相.一邊睇到信.現在我做到效果係E_MAIL裡面係附加 的.要朋友下載下來. 更新: Hi ANTHONY LO Outlook Expess right click MY Picture我不明白.點樣找來. 英文我不明.可否詳細講,係咪要網上下載軟件名.唔該! 答過我這些朋友唔該晒!
Hi Ching Sze, 1/. 你寄 E-mail 時, 要是能夠用 Outlook Expess, 就會很容易。 2/. 在 My Picture 的檔案中, 挑選一張或多張相片也可以, Right click 所有相片~~傳送到 ~~ 郵件收件者。( 你更可以將相片縮小後才寄出 ) 3/. Outlook Express 會彈出一個新郵件, 這時你可以正常撰寫郵件, 完成之後寄出。 收信人就會無須下載檔案, 便可以看到你寄出的相片。 圖片參考:http://hk.yimg.com/i/icon/16/8.gif
You can do it with Hotmail. you compose new message, type in your letter then click "attach file" to add the photo inside your letter. You can attach many items up to 2MB at a time. So your friend can read your letter and see the photos at the same time. I suggest when you send out the email, send a copy to yourself so you can see the result right away. N.B. you can do so with Hotmail Account. 100% correct !!!!! 2007-05-30 03:05:34 補充: In this way you CAN do as you want :::: 寫完字.下面有張相.不用下載.一邊睇到相.一邊睇到信...............100% correct ..... ^o^.....|||||You can first put the pic. in Word then cut/copy it Then paste it in the e-mail